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WatchGuard Privacy Statement


WatchGuard is a facial recognition system used to monitor for persons who have been excluded from entering the store. 

 Lawful Purpose 

The purpose of this policy is to provide transparency on how the store collects, stores, uses, discloses and manages the information collected by the facial recognition system. This policy also provides information about your rights in relation to your personal information we hold. 

WatchGuard uses facial recognition camera technology. The technology operates for the following purposes only: 

Enforcement of exclusion: When a person enters the store, their image is checked to see if it matches that of an excluded person in the relevant database of excluded persons. 


This policy applies to any person who enters the store’s premises. 

Signage is displayed at venues where the system is operating, advising: 

Facial Recognition-Based Exclusion Support System in Place 

This store operates a facial recognition system. The system alerts staff if an excluded person attempts to enter the store. An excluded person is an individual the store has identified who has: 

  • Been trespassed from the store. 

  • Abused staff or other customers in the store. 

  • Stolen from the store. 

  • Previously committed any other prohibited act in the vicinity of the store. 

Facial images are scanned for the purpose of checking for excluded persons only. If there is no exclusion match, the data is deleted within 72 hours. Images are not used for any other purpose. 

For more information our use of facial recognition technology, our Privacy Statement is available

Alternatively, you can contact us 06 842 0148 or

 Storage and Security of Personal Information

All personal information is held in a secure database. Sensitive data is encrypted. 

Extent of Information Held and Transfer of Information to Third Parties 

The personal information held and/or collected by the system, in relation to excluded persons, may include the following: 

  • Name. 

  • Date of birth. 

  • Photo/s. 

  • Address. 

  • Contact information such as phone number and/or email. 

  • The expiry date or duration of the exclusion. 

  • Details of prior exclusion order breaches. 

No audio recordings are collected. 

The personal information will be accessible by our staff and authorised contractors, for the purpose of administering and monitoring the system. 

We may transfer personal information to third parties for lawful purposes and when required by law. 

Anonymised data may be collated for reporting purposes. 

Unique Identifiers 

Each photo taken is encrypted and assigned a unique identification number. A person can have multiple photos assigned. The unique identification number is recorded and will be used for the above purposes only. 

Information Securely Disposed of Once its No Longer Needed 

The WatchGuard facial recognition cameras extract faces from live video stream. These faces are checked against images stored in the relevant database of excluded persons. These images are automatically securely deleted within 72 hours if there is no match. If there is a match, and the identity of the excluded person is manually confirmed, the result is noted and the information is retained for reporting. The image of the excluded person is also retained until the end of the exclusion period, to allow increased accuracy of future detection and identity verification purposes. 

We keep details of your exclusion order for the duration of the exclusion period. At the end of the exclusion period, this information is automatically securely deleted. 

Right to Request Personal Information and Correct Personal Information

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at, or 06 842 0148. Within 20 working days of such a request we will notify you of our decision. There may be circumstances where that timeframe needs to be extended; if so, we will notify you of that. 

Changes to this Statement 

We reserve the right to modify or amend this statement at any time. All changes will be uploaded to our website ( and distributed to retail stores using WatchGuard and will be marked with an effective date. Any information collected prior to the change in the statement will be treated in accordance with the previous statement. Any information collected after the effective date of the statement will be treated in accordance with the updated statement. 

Additional Privacy Information 

More information on privacy can be found on the Privacy Commissioner’s website 

Updated 10 December 2024.